The Journey and Experience

Student-Athletes Journey and Experience

  1. Introduction of York Sports Academy elite programs to children at an early stage in life.
  2. Carefully foster and monitor children’s athletic abilities and potentials.
  3. Recommend and present sports and athletic options to parents and guardians.
  4. Re-introduce and re-expose suitable elite athletic programs to children and student-athletes in safe, structured and organized environments.
  5. Facilitate, organize and formalize sports house leagues, community teams, and travel teams.
  6. Organize, support, foster and facilitate local, regional, provincial, national and/or international sports and athletic competitions, championships and tournaments.
  7. Facilitate high level of exposure to Canadian and international post-secondary educational institutions, coaches and trainers, sports clubs and leagues.
  8. Support and represent student-athletes’ best interests throughout the journey of attaining “Academic Honor List”, obtaining superior worldwide accepted “Secondary Education Diplomas” and “Post Secondary Education Degrees” as professional academies, amateur, Olympic, and/or professional athletes, and above all good character citizens.